Do I need to go to A&E?

Please note that if you require urgent medical assistance when the surgery is closed, please dial 111. Calls to the NHS 111 service are free from both landlines and mobile.

If you have a life-threatening medical emergency, please dial 999 

Heavy Bleeding
Difficulty Breathing
Burns or Scalds
Chest Pain
Loss of Consciousness
Acute Severe Pain
Go to A&E if you are seriously ill, badly injured or have a life threatening condition.
Using A&E when you don’t need to could delay treatment for someone who is more seriously ill than yourself.
You can also ring 111 if you require advice as to whether you should attend A&E
Strains and Sprains
Ear Pain
Aches and Pains
Infections – chest/ears/eyes/urine etc
We have a Nurse Practitioner, Practice Nurses and a Duty GP available every day to deal with minor injuries/illnesses. Contact reception on 01772 423555 and they will advise you regarding daily availability. When we are closed you can telephone the 111 service for advice.
Long Term Conditions:
 Our Practice Nurses specialise in the care and treatment of long term conditions. If you are ill with a long term condition, please contact the surgery on 01772 423555 in the first instance to speak to the appropriate nurse responsible for the disease area.
Coughs and Colds, including sore throats
Minor ailments 
Your local pharmacy is often able to help with common health problems, providing advice and the best medicine to treat them. They will advise you if you need to be seen by a health care professional. Most are open everyday and late evenings. 

111 Information Link

When to use NHS 111 online or call 111 – NHS (